The Transformative Power of Saying 'Yes': From Pro Wrestling to the Pulpit

Mar 24, 2024    Pastor Travis Voeltz


The Transformative Power of Saying 'Yes': From Pro Wrestling to the Pulpit

Key Points:

- A simple "yes" can significantly alter the trajectory of one's life, leading to unexpected and transformative paths.

- The speaker's personal story transitioned from an aspiring pro wrestler to becoming a pastor, initiated by agreeing to play Samson in a Vacation Bible School.

- The sermon examines the cultural and biblical significance of saying "yes," including references to Palm Sunday and Jesus' request for a donkey, which fulfilled Old Testament prophecies.

- It probes the theological concept of "the Lord needs," pondering the implications of God's requests despite God lacking nothing.

- The sermon encourages listeners to be receptive to God's call and to consider what they might release for His use, underscoring the power of positive responses to divine guidance.


- The speaker recounts their own series of affirmative responses, beginning with playing Samson and leading to a pastoral vocation.

- A biblical narrative about the disciples saying "yes" to Jesus' request for a donkey, illustrating obedience to divine requests and the fulfillment of prophecy.

Scripture References:

- Palm Sunday's account in the Gospels, where Jesus asks for a donkey, signifying the peaceful arrival of a king and fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah.

- Psalm 50, which asserts God's ownership over all creation, raising the question of what it means for the Lord to "need" something.

Summary of Sermon:

The sermon delves into the transformative power of affirmative responses, particularly in the context of faith and alignment with God's purpose. It draws connections between popular culture, personal narrative, and biblical events to illustrate the profound impact of saying "yes" to God's call. By examining the scriptural account of Palm Sunday and the paradox of a God who lacks nothing yet asks of us, the sermon invites listeners to embrace opportunities for divine service and consider the role of obedience and submission in their own lives. Through humor and personal reflection, the message inspires a contemplative and actionable response to the nudges of Jesus in everyday life.