Working for the Bread of Life

Pastor Marty Toepke-Floyd

In this message, we're invited to reconsider our identity beyond our professions. The Gospel of John reveals Jesus' profound teaching that our true work is to believe. This isn't mere passive acceptance, but an active, transformative faith. We're challenged to look beyond the physical bread that sustains our bodies to the spiritual bread that nourishes our souls. Just as the Israelites received manna in the wilderness, we're offered the Bread of Life in Jesus Christ. This spiritual sustenance requires no laborious work but simply our trust and openness to receive. As we embrace this belief, we find that our relationship with Christ becomes less about toil and more about joyful partnership, much like a well-trained service dog eagerly working alongside its handler. This perspective shift can turn our faith journey into a delightful adventure of discovery and service, bringing new meaning to our lives beyond our earthly occupations.